

Friends Housing Inc currently has a waiting list for both apartments and townhouses. 


21 One-bedroom 612 square feet apartment units for people with a mental illness 
6 Two -bedroom 960 square feet apartment units for people with a mental illness 
6 Two-bedroom 936 square feet townhouse units for low income families 
9 Three-bedroom 1084 square feet townhouse units for low income families


Entrance Criteria and Application Procedure

Applicants with a mental illness who apply for the apartment block must demonstrate an ability to live independently, be diagnosed with a mental illness, currently under a Doctor’s care, on medication and be 18 years of age or older.

Above applicants will also supply the name, address and phone number of their next of kin, psychiatrist and/or other treating physician and their social and mental health worker.

All applicants including low-income families will also meet the following criteria:

  • Compliance with the Landlord Tenancies Act

  • Compliance with the standards and requirements of Manitoba Housing Authority

  • Compliance with the Rules and Regulations of Friends Housing Inc.

  • Display a willingness and ability to live in harmony with other tenants.

  • Freedom from violent behaviours

  • Freedom from active suicidal tendencies

  • No active alcohol problems

  • No active drug abuse problem

  • Ability to manage own prescription drugs 

    At least a moderate ability to manage own household.All applicants are required to complete the standard Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation Application for Family Housing form. It is preferred that all applicants drop off their application in person. Those who meet the above criteria may be interviewed to determine suitability. Those deemed suitable will be put on a waiting list until space becomes available. Persons on the waiting list need to make contact annually to keep their status current.

Friends Housing Apartment Application

Friends Housing Townhouse Application